Baah is the new Om!
goat yoga
Everyone’s welcome! From those who have never heard of a yogi to those who have mastered the daunting handstand scorpion.
Children should be 12 years of age or older to participate. Those under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Classes are limited to 20 participants
Fun fact: a yogi is a person who does yoga! Since this is goat yoga, I guess that would make you a gogi?
Please bring a yoga mat that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. Supplies will be available after class to wipe any goat prints off your mat and restore it to its former glory.
Don’t forget your water bottle! Staying hydrated while exercising is vital. In terms of snacks, please do not bring any into the arena with the goats because they will get into it. For the safety of the goats and your snacks, please leave any food items in your car.
If you have long hair, we recommend wearing it up in a bun or ponytail to discourage goats from nibbling/pulling on your hair.
(to bring)
First and third Tuesdays of each month (April thru October)
The last 15 minutes of class will be pure mini goat bliss where you’ll have an opportunity to socialize with them and ask them about their favorite yoga pose.
Classes will be held at Sammamish Animal Sanctuary in our arena. For those who haven’t been to our farm, the arena is a large, sandy outdoor space covered by a barn roof. Large outdoor mats will be placed in the arena for you to roll your mats onto! While the roof will provide effective protection from the weather, please dress accordingly. Our Pacific Northwest weather can be quite unpredictable. Also, keep in mind that the mini goats aren’t the best at wiping off their hooves. Be sure to leave anything you’d like to keep stain-free at home!
Why not? Our social mini goats enjoy interacting with our visitors and we have a lovely, certified yoga instructor to teach the class! Use this hour to step outside of your daily life and immerse yourself in our lovely animal sanctuary where you will find a sense of grounding and peaceful contentment, as well as countless laughs.
You can schedule a reservation, view our safety waiver, and send a donation below.
We appreciate a donation of $25 per class. If you have any additional questions, please contact Jen at